introducing tHe Kegel throne:


 EMSELLA™ chair is a highly effective and safe non-surgical solution for individuals struggling with incontinence due to a weakened pelvic floor. The innovative Emsella chair, utilized in this treatment, utilizes a high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) wave to generate supramaximal contractions within the pelvic floor muscles. Through conveniently scheduled 30-minute sessions, twice a week, for a duration of 3 weeks, patients can experience incredible improvements in their condition. This non-invasive procedure is designed to provide exceptional results while being mindful of individuals' time, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a convenient and effective solution to their incontinence concerns.


quit peeing your pants, and have better sex as a side effect…

  • 30-minute session equals 12,000 Kegels

  • Stay fully clothed during treatment

  • Your husband will thank you…

  • Best pricing in the Treasure Valley!